Terms of Service

also used as 'Terms & Conditions'. Agreement is with:

Creathlon Limited

First Floor, 3 Cumbrian House
217 Marsh Wall
London, England
E14 9FJ


1.1 Acceptance of Terms
By accessing and using this website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with these terms and conditions except for Terms & Conditions related to Participation to Competition. These terms may be updated, and continued use constitutes acceptance of the revised terms.

1.2 User Conduct
Users agree not to engage in any activity that may disrupt or interfere with the proper functioning of the website, backend systems and infrastructure or disruption of competitions. Prohibited activities include hacking, introducing malicious code, or attempting to gain unauthorized access or engagement in public misinformation.

1.3 Security Measures
Users are prohibited from circumventing or attempting to circumvent security measures in place on the website. Any attempt to breach security, including but not limited to unauthorized access, will be subject to legal action. Any Participant to any of The Organiser’s competitions who attempt to breach security measures will be disqualified and banned from future involvement with The Organiser.

1.4 Misuse of Content
Users agree not to misuse or exploit the content on this website for any unlawful, unethical, or harmful purposes. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or modification of content available on the website is strictly prohibited except otherwise agreed by The Organiser in writing.

1.5 Protection Against Cyber Attacks
The website owner employs security measures to protect against cyber-attacks, but users should be aware of potential risks. Users are encouraged to report any security vulnerabilities or suspicious activities to the website owner promptly.

1.6 Responsibilities
Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any login information or credentials associated with their account or competition Team Codes. Any unauthorized use of accounts or sharing of login information is strictly prohibited.

1.7 Limitation of Liability
The website owner is not liable for any damages or losses resulting from the use or inability to use the website. Users assume all risks associated with the use of this website.

1.8 Third-Party Interactions
The website may include interactions with third-party services or content. Users are bound by the terms of these third parties. Please contact us if you require further information about third party interactions. For confidentiality and use of information, please refer to our Privacy Policy. The Organiser is not responsible for the content or practices of third-party websites.

1.9 Reporting Abuse
Users are encouraged to report any abuse, misuse, or violations of these terms to the website owner promptly.

1.10 Termination of Access
The website owner reserves the right to terminate or restrict access to the website without notice for any violation of these terms.

1.11 Data Protection
Users' personal data collected on this website is processed in accordance with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For further information visit our Privacy Policy Page.

1.12 Contact Information
The Organiser can be contacted at info@areathlon.co.uk.


2.0 Eligibility

2.1 Age requirements
All Participants are required to be at least 18 years old at the time of Registration.

2.2 Team
Teams may consist of a maximum of 4 members. Each Team Member must meet the individual eligibility criteria outlined in these terms. Each Team requires to have a Team Leader.

2.3 Team Declaration
All Participants in a Team must declare their names, contact information as well as their employers for the past 12 months (if any) upon request by The Organiser. Failure to declare information as requested may result in Disqualification. All information provided in relation to Participants has to be valid and correct. Information that is not truthful or erroneous will result in Disqualification.

2.4 Nationality and Residence
The competition is open to participants worldwide; residency in the United Kingdom is not required. However, participants must not reside in countries subject to trade sanctions imposed by the UK Government, nor can they be individuals or entities listed on the UK Sanctions List. Additionally, participants cannot have any connections to individuals or entities subject to these trade sanctions. Refer to Section 2.6 of Terms & Conditions.

2.5 Connection to Organiser and Parties Involved
Participants must not be affiliated with The Organiser, including its employees, affiliates, Jury Member or beneficiaries as well as immediate family members of parties involved with The Organiser.

2.6 Trade Sanctions Compliance
Participants are responsible for ensuring compliance with trade sanctions imposed by the United Kingdom Government. Any violation of these sanctions will result in Disqualification from the competition. The list of restricted countries is subject to change, and Participants are advised to regularly check the official UK government website for updates. The list of restricted countries is available on the official UK government website for trade sanctions.

2.7 Code Purchase Responsibility
In the case of Team Submissions, the designated Team Leader is responsible for purchasing and obtaining the code associated with the competition Entry. The Organiser is not responsible for failure of Team Leader to declare Team Members details or any information wrongly provided. The Organiser is not responsible for verifying the eligibility of each Team Member and this responsibility lies with the Team Leader.

2.8 Team Internal Disputes
Internal disputes among Team members are the sole responsibility of the Team and will not be mediated by The Organiser.

2.9 Eligibility Variations
Each competition is different. Please read if there are any additional criteria for eligibility in the Competition Brief available on The Organiser’s website for each individual competition.

3.0 Registration

3.1 Website Registration
Participants are required to use the official website's Registration system for entering the competition. Any attempts to use alternative methods or unauthorized platforms will result in an Invalid Registration.

3.2 Team Code
Upon successful Registration, Participants will receive a unique Team Code associated with their Submission Entry. Disclosure of this Team Code with anybody outside the Team or The Organiser will result in Disqualification. It is the responsibility of the Team Leader or Participant who registered to keep the Team Code secure, safe and confidential. The Organiser is not responsible for unauthorised use of the Team Code(s).

3.3 Receipt Request
Team Leader who purchased an Entry will be requested by The Organiser to present the relevant Proof of Payment of Registration Fee for The Organiser to verify the Registration and details thereof. Failure to provide the Proof of Payment of Submission may invalidate your Registration.

3.4 Code Ownership
The Team Code cannot be exchanged and it is bound to the Team Leader and respectively Team Members.

3.5 Compliance with Terms
Participants must comply with all Terms &Conditions outlined in the Registration process and the broader Competition Brief. Non-compliance with the Terms & Conditions will result in an Invalid Registration or Disqualification and the payment for Registration is non-refundable.

3.6 Refund and Participation to the Competition
Participation is effective from payment for Registration. All Participants are required to submit a competition Entry by the deadline specified in the Competition Brief.

3.7 Termination and Compensation
In case of a termination or cancellation of the competition, The Organiser shall refund to the Participants the Registration Fee. For the avoidance of doubt, The Organiser will not compensate any Participant for any purchases, acquisitions, software and licenses, time involved in development, production of their Materials for Submission or any other pecuniary loss incurred by the participant incidental to the competition.

4.0 Submission

4.1 Means of Submission
Submissions of competition Entries are required to be done by the date and time presented in the Competition Brief. Late Submissions will not be considered unless there are extraordinary circumstances (which shall be determined by The Organiser at its discretion).

4.2 Material Submission
Materials that form part of the Entry Submission are described in the Competition Brief for each individual competition. Where components required are missing, the Entry Submission shall be deemed invalid and shall not be considered by the Jury for a Prize or award.

4.3 Compliance with Brief
Submissions have to respond accordingly to the requirements stated in the brief in order to be valid. Designs that fall outside the scope of the Competition Brief may be considered at the discretion of The Organiser and Jury.

4.4 Legibility Unethical and Obscene Content
Submission Materials that are not in English or legible format will be invalidated. Obscene or unethical Materials will result in Disqualification. Unethical, obscene Materials or any text or depiction that denigrate any group of people or social and cultural identity, show gruesome scenes or behaviour, depictions of violence or pornography as well as any Materials or concepts that can be deemed offensive will result in Disqualification.

4.5 Marks, Signature and Identification
Any signature elements, identifications, logos, marks or elements that can compromise the anonymity of the Participants in the assessment process will result in Disqualifications. The only allowed identity element on drawings is the Team Code generated at Registration. Refer to the use of Team Code for Submission of Materials in the Competition Brief.

4.6 Ownership
The Participants or Teams must be the sole owners of the Materials submitted and any disputes arising from ownership will result in Disqualification, return of awarded monetary Prize and any mention of awards from social media or any mean of public communications will be removed. It is the responsibility of the Participants to make sure that any Materials submitted to The Organiser’s competitions would not conflict with other agreements or infringe on any rights of any other persons. The Organiser does not take any responsibility for any issues that might arise from misuse of ownership by the Participants.

4.7 Software and License
Participants are required to make sure that they are acting legally and in accordance to the license agreements of the software or services used and that any use of Generative Systems will not be in conflict with the Ownership section set in these Terms & Conditions.

4.8 Public Disclosure
Participants are not allowed to disclose any parts, elements, design ideas or concept that form part of the Submission of Materials until the Official Winners Announcement by The Organiser.

4.9 Use of Submitted Materials
The Participants shall grant The Organiser right to use the Materials submitted as part of competitions for publicity and share with Third Parties or the public the Materials themselves or parts of Materials, concepts or ideas presented. Participants should not use the Submitted Materials for other design competition until the Official Winners Announcement by The Organiser.

4.10 Confidentiality
Through-out the competition participation and until the Official Winners Announcement by The Organiser, all design, concepts, ideas and Submission Materials should be kept confidential to the Participant or Team and not be disclosed to any other Participants, public, Jury or parties involved with The Organiser. Any breach of confidentiality will result in Disqualification.

4.11 Changes to Submission Terms
The Organiser reserves the right to change the terms of Submission including the Materials required, deadline or other matters.

4.12 Multiple Submissions
Only one official Submission for each Team is accepted. If multiple versions of the Materials are submitted by a Team or Participant, only the last submitted version will be considered. Participants are advised to take precaution in submitting Materials. Multiple Submissions will not be considered.

5.0 Assessment

5.1 Jury Selection
Jury is selected by The Organiser based on various criteria. If any member of the Jury is unable to participate in the assessment process a replacement Jury Member will be selected. The Organiser does not take responsibility to provide notice of Jury change and changes to the Jury will be displayed on the website.

5.2 Jury Independence
Jury acts independently using the criteria set-up by The Organiser. Participants to this competition cannot object or challenge the decision of the Jury. By participating in any of the competitions by The Organiser you agree to the judgement of the Jury.

5.3 Preselection
The Organiser reserves the right to run a first round of assessment to check Submissions for compliance, response to brief, unethical and obscene content as well as give a preliminary score to identify the Finalists.

5.4 Judging & Finalists
Finalists will be assessed only by the Jury and The Organiser is not involved in assessing the Finalist Entries unless there is a difference of more than 25% in scores provided by members of the Jury or in the case that Winners cannot be determined due to equal ranking.

5.5 Assessment Criteria
The Assessment Criteria is set by The Organiser and the Jury provides scores based on the Assessment Criteria. The Assessment Criteria will be provided on request to Participants only in its final form supplied to the Jury.

5.6 Prize Allocation
Prizes are declared on each Competition Page. Participants are responsible to check the website constantly for any changes.

5.7 Disqualification
The Organiser will disqualify any Participants that go against the Rules outlined on the Competition Brief that the participant is involved in, Terms & Conditions and any behaviour that will interfere with the judging process, Assessment Criteria or influence to Jury. Disqualification cannot be challenged by the Participant for breach of the Terms & Conditions outlined in this document or on the Competition Brief.

5.8 Dispute
The Jury decisions cannot be disputed. For any breach of Terms & Conditions, participants agree to proceed to Alternative Dispute Resolutions in the territory of UK via first, Mediation, then Arbitration and last Court Proceedings. Mediation or Arbitration will be held in line with the Law of England and Whales.

5.8 Dispute
The Jury decisions cannot be disputed. For any breach of Terms & Conditions, participants agree to proceed to Alternative Dispute Resolutions in the territory of UK via first, Mediation, then Arbitration and last Court Proceedings. Mediation or Arbitration will be held in line with the Law of England and Whales.

6.0 Awards

6.1 Prizes & Fees
Prizes and Fees are available on the Competition Brief or on the Competition Page. Any changes to the Prizes and Entry Fees will be displayed on the Competition Page on our website.

6.2 Entry costs
Cost vary from one competition to another. You agree that The Organiser can discount Entry costs on a discretionary basis.

6.3 Prizes
Prizes vary from one competition to another. You agree that The Organiser can increase Prizes and change or add new Prize categories. The Organiser guarantees that Prizes will not be lowered in monetary value as well as Prizes stated as cash Prizes will not be substituted for anything of similar monetary value.

6.4 Commendations
Commendations are Prizes in title only and have no monetary return to the Participants. A certificate of participation might be provided at the discretion of The Organiser. You agree that The Organiser can create new Commendation categories.

6.5 Discretionary Awards
Discretionary Awards can be provided by The Organiser. Any such Prizes will be publicly declared on our website when Winners are officially announced.

6.6 Payment of Awards & Prizes
Payment of Prizes and awards will be done by Bank Transfer to the Team Leader. The Team Leader is responsible to distribute the award to the Team Members as agreed between them. The Organiser is not responsible to individual Team Members if the Team Leader is not following the agreement with each Team Member.
Payment will be done in maximum 6 months from the time and date from the Official Winners Announcement.

6.7 Right to Revoke Awards and Prizes
In case there is a breach of Rules and Terms & Conditions by Participants and an award has been provided, The Organiser is entitled to be refunded in full the award money and any certificates, public mention of the awards will be withdrawn. The award will be then redistributed to the following designated Winner. The Organiser has the right to request that any mention of awards to be removed by the Participants from social media or any public space or online platforms.

7.0 Notices & Announcements

7.1 Notification of Winners
Notifications of Winners will be privately done via email to the Team Leader and publicly announced on our website and social platforms. The Organiser reserves the right to announce awards and Winners on other third party platforms or media outlets.

7.2 Individual Notice
The Participants will be provided with individual notices via email, phone or mail about matters related to their Entry. Any individual notice or announcement is to be kept private until The Organiser has officially announced to the public via their website or social media platforms. Any breach of privacy may result in Disqualification.

7.2 Official Public Announcement
Any Official Public Announcements will be done via our website or social media platforms.

8.0 Publicity

8.1 Use fo Publicity
You agree that any of the Materials submitted to the competitions can be used for publicity by The Organiser. Winners of any awards agree that their names and country of origin will be used in public announcements or publicity over The Organiser’s social platforms.

9.0 Intellectual Property

9.1 Other Rights
The Participants are responsible to make sure that any intellectual property provided with the Submission Materials are not in conflict with other competitions, organisations or third parties and that they are the sole owners of intellectual property or sought approval from the owner prior to engagement with a competition by The Organiser.

9.2 Royalties & Consideration
The Organiser is not to become owner of any of the intellectual properties but is allowed by agreeing to these Terms and Conditions to use, share, distribute or sell royalties based on the Materials supplied as part of Submissions.

9.3 Representations & Warranties
Participants represent and warrant that the Submission they are entering into the competition is their original work. This means that the design is not a copy or derivative work of any existing design by a different entity.
Participants further represent and warrant that their Submission does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any third party. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrights, trademarks, and patents. Participants should ensure that their design is free from any unauthorized use of intellectual property owned by others.
Participants represent and warrant that they have obtained all necessary permissions and releases for any identifiable individuals, locations, or other elements within their design. This includes obtaining consent from individuals whose likeness may be depicted, securing rights for the use of recognizable locations, and ensuring that any third-party content incorporated into the design is used with the appropriate permissions.
Participants are responsible for the accuracy of any information provided in their Submission. This includes any descriptions, specifications, or claims made about the design. False or misleading information may result in Disqualification.

10.0 Other Liabilities

10.1 Indemnification
Participants agree to indemnify and hold The Organiser harmless from any claims, damages, losses, or expenses arising out of or in connection with any breach of the representations and warranties provided in this section. This indemnification extends to any legal fees and costs incurred by The Organiser as a result of such breaches.

11.0 Communications

11.1 Channels of Communication
Private communications will either be via mail, email or phone and are meant to be private. Participants are not allowed to disclose any information that is explicitly addressed to individuals to any other third party or public. Participants are required to seek written approval from The Organiser prior to disclose of any exchange of information.


The terms and conditions are governed by the Law of England and Wales.

The Terms and Conditions in regards to ‘Participation to Competition’ together with independent Rules for each competition stated in the Competition Brief constitute the entire agreement between the Participants and The Organiser.
The Terms and Conditions for ‘Use of Website’ form the complete agreement for users that access and use The Organiser’s Website.
If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. The invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability of any provision shall not affect the validity, legality, or enforceability of any other provision of these terms.
The failure of The Organiser to enforce any provision of these terms at any time shall not be construed as a waiver of such provision or the right to enforce it at a later date.
The headings in these Terms and Conditions are for convenience only and shall not be used to interpret or construe any provision.
Sections and provisions of these Terms and Conditions that, by their nature, should survive termination, shall survive any termination or expiration of these terms.

The Organiser reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions which will be available on the website. The participants are responsible to constantly check any updates to the agreement.

The Organiser reserve the right to terminate the competition at any time, with or without cause, at their sole discretion. In the event of termination, participants will be notified promptly through the communication channels established by The Organiser and upon which refunds will be effected as per Clause 3.7 above.
The competition may be terminated if The Organiser determine, in their sole discretion, that there is an insufficient number of eligible Participants or Submissions to warrant continuation.
The Organiser shall not be liable for any failure to perform their obligations under these terms if such failure is caused by an event or circumstances beyond their reasonable control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, war, terrorism, civil unrest, or natural disasters.


For Data protection information please refer to our Privacy Policy. All competitions are designed to act within General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) of England and Whales.


For definition of terms please send your enquiries.

Please send your feedback, comments, requests for technical support by email: info@areathlon.co.uk.